De 20 beste marketing podcasts om je kennis bij te spijkeren

Wil je bij blijven op marketinggebied? Luister dan eens naar podcasts. Ze gaan over de nieuwste trends, geven je goede marketingadviezen én je kunt er altijd en overal naar luisteren: op je werk, in de auto of tijdens het sporten.

1: This Old Marketing: StitcherSpotifyGoogle Podcasts

2: Actionable Marketing Podcast:  iTunesSoundcloudSpotify

3: Marketing School: Google PodcastsApple Podcasts

4: Everyone Hates Marketers: Apple PodcastsSpotify

5: Marketing Over Coffee: Apple Podcasts

6: The Paid Search Podcast: Apple Podcasts

7: Social Media Examiner Podcast: Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts

8: The Smart Passive Income Podcast: Apple PodcastsStitcher

9: Perpetual Traffic: StitcherApple Podcasts

10: Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast: iTunesSpotify

11: Marketing Growth Podcast: Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts

12: The Science of Social Media by Buffer: Google PodcastsApple Podcasts

13: HBR IdeaCast Podcast by Harvard Business Review: Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts

14: Social Pros Podcast: Apple PodcastsSpotify

15: The GaryVee Audio Experience: SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts

16: The Authority Hacker Podcast: StitcherApple Podcasts

17: Blitz Growth Podcast: Google PodcastsApple Podcasts

18: Growth Marketing Toolbox Podcast: Apple Podcasts

19: The Agents of Change Podcast: Apple PodcastsStitcher

20: The Hustle and FlowChart Podcast: Google PodcastsApple Podcasts

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